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You will learn more advanced methods and techniques, Learn how to use different Energy Healing frequencies for more rapidly and effectively treatments for a wide range of ailments, Learn how to heal more Advanced or serious, chronic aliments & How to apply the Advanced Pranic Healing techniques to other areas of life.

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Text Book - Advanced Pranic Healing

Advanced Pranic Healing Course - Level 2

Pre-requisite: Pranic Healing Level 1


On completion of the course you will understand the nature of Advanced Pranic Healing:

  • Color prana with a heightened understanding of the concepts

  • Principles and Advanced Pranic Healing Techniques

  • Understanding general applications such as activation/inhibiting the chakra

  • Strengthening/inhibiting chakras

  • Master healing techniques

At Level 2 - At the Advanced level you will be treating ailments such as:

Broken Bones, Back Injury, Fresh Burns, High Cholesterol, Stop Bleeding, Fresh wounds, Regeneration of Bones, Nerves, Organs, quick recovery of minor/major surgery, Food poisoning, Insomnia, Cysts, Infections & Inflammation, Thyroid problems, Blood, immune System, Liver Infections, Glaucoma, Vertigo, Psoriasis, Coronary Artery Disease, Varicose Veins, Stroke, Tumors, Cancers and much more.

All Textbooks, CD & other Course Material will be available for purchase at the workshop

Course Material Required: Advanced Pranic Healing Text Book

Cost: New Students $520 ~ Review Students $260

Melbourne Multicultural Hub - 506 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Time 10.00am - 5.30pm

Master Choa Kok Sui
Advanced Pranic Healing Course

Pre-Requisite - Pranic Healing Level 1

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VENUE - Melbourne Multicultural Hub
LOCATION - 506 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 

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Pranic Healing is not intended to replace allopathic medicine, but rather to complement it.  Pranic Healing practitioners are not medical doctors, but medical doctors can be Pranic Healers.  Pranic Healing practitioners do not diagnose diseases, make any health claims, or guarantee any outcomes.  Pranic Healing practitioners do not prescribe any medications and/or medical treatments nor interfere with prescribed medications and/or medical treatments.  Pranic Healing practitioners do not physically touch the client’s body. They cleanse and balance the energy to enable the body to naturally heal itself.

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