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Wangaratta Victoria

Level 1 
October 28th & 29th 2023

Level 2
October 30th & 31st 2023


Pranic Healing Level 1

A comprehensive and practical introduction to Energy Healing. Students learn to detect imbalances in the energy body, to perform HEALINGS/treatments for common ailments such as aches and pains, flu, headache etc and to do self healing and distant healing.


In these unprecedented times it has become even more urgent to take control and maintenance of your own health/life & family's health/life. This course will teach you the fundamentals for a healthier, happier and more peaceful life.  We will explain the principles of healing as a science and art. We will explain how your energy body affects your life, how energy, thoughts and emotions affect our general wellbeing and by learn easy to follow techniques to cleanse, energize and rebalance the energy field and its centers improve any physical and psychological conditions.


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On completion of the course you will understand the nature of Pranic Healing:


  • The nature of the energy body

  • Learn about the aura and chakral system

  • The Seven Basic Techniques of Healing

  • Cleansing and Energising the Aura and health rays

  • How to feel Pranic Energy

  • How to see an Aura or electromagnetic field

  • Pranic Breathing

  • Applications of Scanning

  • Self Healing

  • Distant Healing

  • Meditation on Twin Hearts 

Text Book - Miracles through Pranic Healing

At Level 1 - you will be HEALING/treating ailments such as:

Gastro-intestinal, Fever, Stomachache, toothache, Earache, Diarrhoea, Headaches/Migraine, Chronic sore Throat, Immune disorders, Arthritis & Rheumatism, Irregular Menstruation or Absence, Lower Back Pain, Eczema, Skin allergies, Heart Ailments, Asthma, Gastric Ulcers, Kidney/Bladder infections, Infetility, Stress and Tension and much more.

All Textbooks, CD & other Course Material will be available for purchase at the workshop

Course Material Required: Miracles through Pranic Healing Text Book

Cost: New Students $450 ~ Review Students $225

Mechanics Hall (Seahorse Room) - 18 Mechanics Street, Lakes Entrance VIC 3909

Time 10.00am - 5.00pm

Date October 28th & 29th, 2023

Master Choa Kok Sui
Pranic Healing Course

No Pre-Requisite - Open to All

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Watch Videos on Pranic Healing

Who can benefit from Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing is not only for the sick, but for everyone, even for the people who are already healthy and successful as it provides a scientific approach that enables us to gain control over our life.

Imagine if you know the laws of the universe and how energy works. You would become much more aware of what is happening in your life and would be able to materialize what you plan for and avoid what is harmful.

Energy is pervasive; it encompasses all.


Even if science can’t detect it yet, it is still there affecting every person and every being.

The intelligent approach is not to neglect it. The intelligent will research, experiment, and validate before they make any conclusions.


Advanced Pranic Healing - Level 2


You will learn more advanced methods and techniques, Learn how to use different Energy Healing frequencies for more rapidly and effectively treatments for a wide range of ailments, Learn how to heal more Advanced or serious, chronic aliments & How to apply the Advanced Pranic Healing techniques to other areas of life.

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Text Book - Advanced Pranic Healing

Advanced Pranic Healing Course - Level 2

Pre-requisite: Pranic Healing Level 1


On completion of the course you will understand the nature of Advanced Pranic Healing:

  • Color prana with a heightened understanding of the concepts

  • Principles and Advanced Pranic Healing Techniques

  • Understanding general applications such as activation/inhibiting the chakra

  • Strengthening/inhibiting chakras

  • Master healing techniques

At Level 2 - At the Advanced level you will be treating ailments such as:

Broken Bones, Back Injury, Fresh Burns, High Cholesterol, Stop Bleeding, Fresh wounds, Regeneration of Bones, Nerves, Organs, quick recovery of minor/major surgery, Food poisoning, Insomnia, Cysts, Infections & Inflammation, Thyroid problems, Blood, immune System, Liver Infections, Glaucoma, Vertigo, Psoriasis, Coronary Artery Disease, Varicose Veins, Stroke, Tumors, Cancers and much more.

All Textbooks, CD & other Course Material will be available for purchase at the workshop

Course Material Required: Advanced Pranic Healing Text Book

Cost: New Students $520 ~ Review Students $260

Mechanics Hall (Seahorse Room) - 18 Mechanics Street, Lakes Entrance VIC 3909

Time 10.00am - 5.30pm

Date October 30th & 31st, 2023

Master Choa Kok Sui
Advanced Pranic Healing Course

Pre-Requisite - Pranic Healing Level 1

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VENUE - Mechanics Hall
LOCATION - 18 Mechanics Street, Lakes Entrance VIC 3909 

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